Blessed Sites




Your Local Gospel Network

Click on this icon to be directed to Your Local Gospel Network. If you are looking for daily scriptures, inspiration, new artist, authors, and to stay informed on the new events in your area and surrounding areas and much more please stop by and support this ministry. Follow Your Local Gospel Network on Facebook as well at


YLGN Vision

There was a vision given to Derrick Williams to create Your Local Gospel Network to help spread the Word of God and encourage others to trust and believe in God in all that they do. By making a decision to take a leap of faith in April of 2011, we chose to let the Lord lead and guide us through the process of building His Business. That is how YLGN was born. 

Be sure to show Fit Fruitz some love as well this is Mr.Derrick Williams beautiful wife's ministry what an amazing partnership God has united together. While Derrick keeps us informed to feed us spiritually Mrs. Williams tells us how to keep our temples clean and healthy so we can be fit an available tools for the upbuilding of the kingdom. Show her ministry some love by clicking on the icon below where you will be directed to her Facebook page while your there like it as well...It's truly a blessing!